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[原创] Recent Trends in Image and Signal Processing in Computer Vision.Springer.2020 attachment  ...23 wuende 2020-5-10 2316305 giangmy 2024-4-5 15:23
[原创] 图解深度学习 attachment  ...2 takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 123099 Victor650409 2024-3-22 15:27
[原创] 神经网络原理(第二版),深度学习,算法 新人帖 attachment  ...23456..7 weishutao 2019-11-11 6538695 ic886 2024-3-20 15:51
[原创] chatgpt网址(内含clash for windows汉化版订阅) 新人帖 attachment odds 2024-3-15 4324 wc_buaa 2024-3-16 14:57
[原创] Machine learning with python attachment  ...23456..11 unlogical 2017-11-18 10832279 tom0626 2024-3-16 10:36
[原创] A Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision attachment  ...23456 melquisedec 2018-3-3 5838365 semileon 2024-2-27 09:20
[原创] Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series) (800 pages) attach_img digest agree  ...23456..13 magmaqk 2017-6-25 12136951 semileon 2024-2-26 18:43
[原创] 人工智能产业研究报告(附346家关联企业介绍)-参照系 attach_img  ...23 参照系 2018-2-6 266160 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 17:00
[原创] 原创+首发: NVDLA sanity case FSDB波形分享 attachment  ...2 atremp 2017-10-18 167719 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 16:55
[原创] Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems attachment  ...2 takeshineshiro 2021-12-26 143608 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 16:36
[原创] 强化学习精要 核心算法与TensorFlow attachment takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 51460 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 16:05
[原创] 机器学习,深度学习,人工智能,springer出的一些书 attach_img  ...2 juhuapaul 2021-2-5 156653 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 15:27
[原创] Pytorch官方教程中文版 attachment takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 72572 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:51
[原创] 《机器学习实战:基于Scikit-Learn、Keras和TensorFlow》第二版 attach_img  ...2 takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 133675 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:42
[原创] 半导体三维集成内存的可靠性 cluster116 2023-5-20 1767 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:41
[原创] The Elements of Statistical Learning, 统计学习基础(第2版)(英文) attachment  ...23456 castlerock 2017-11-27 5017442 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:36
[原创] 机器学习_周志华 attachment  ...2 takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 184784 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:27
[原创] Center for Research on Foundation Models (CRFM) 新人帖 attachment swlee0 2023-8-20 5531 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:23
[原创] 统计学习方法+李航著 attachment takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 21716 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:16
[原创] 300多个原创人工智能完整设计(文档,电路,代码),持续更新中。。。。 attachment  ...23456 m1581096 2018-4-18 5134644 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:06
[原创] Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach , Fourth Edition (2021) attach_img castlerock 2024-1-30 4495 syxd2012 2024-2-1 16:55
[原创] Artificial_Intelligence_for_Humans_Vol_2_Nature-Inspired_Algorithms attachment  ...2 Godspeed_sss 2020-11-14 136003 soldierwuhan 2024-1-9 10:11
[原创] Artificial_Intelligence_for_Humans_Vol_1_Fundamental_Algorithms attachment  ...2 Godspeed_sss 2020-11-14 147767 im.leo 2024-1-9 10:00
[原创] 南瓜书 attachment takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 62292 im.leo 2024-1-8 12:43
[原创] CNN加速器设计总结  ...23 sopherdu 2018-6-13 238215 硅下亡魂 2024-1-6 12:12
[原创] Seeking BOOK: Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks 2020 (Vivienne Sze) M&C Publication 新人帖 attachment  ...2 mznonnt 2020-6-26 139638 jumping123 2023-12-18 20:11
[原创] 机器学习和硬件-HotChips大会2023 juhuapaul 2023-10-9 2515 wardwood1028 2023-10-9 16:40
[原创] Python 核心編程 第三版 中文 attachment  ...234 tamtamchien 2018-7-19 3725701 zhsh94 2023-8-18 07:23
[原创] 康奈尔大学ECE 5545: 机器学习硬件和系统 【视频】 juhuapaul 2023-3-7 3988 zlhrsy 2023-3-26 20:31
[原创] fpga实现神经网络 【视频】 attach_img juhuapaul 2023-3-14 3831 tom0626 2023-3-16 22:14
[原创] Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Vol 1 & 2 attachment osmanali 2022-10-29 51061 dcircuit 2022-10-29 20:19
[原创] 3D双目立体视觉深度相机介绍——仿生双目 attach_img Dorian.liu 2022-9-29 11266 伪界 2022-9-29 13:35
[原创] control refine chaotic distribution cluster116 2022-9-22 0877 cluster116 2022-9-22 19:53
[原创] AI视觉分析技术在智慧水利中的应用方案 新人帖 attach_img zhujiequn 2022-8-17 0866 zhujiequn 2022-8-17 14:02
[原创] Tensorflow 实战Google深度学习框架 attachment  ...23456..7 magmaqk 2017-6-25 6415688 straw 2022-4-24 07:28
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