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WLAN 技术 今日: 0|主题: 767|排名: 52 

版主: freedragon
Future-Proof Your WLAN for Expanding attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 11965 flyfreely23 2009-12-15 15:38
wireless lan FAQs attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 32105 lubing521 2011-10-7 23:12
Design goals for wireless LANs (WLANs) attachment  ...23 wychina_2007 2009-12-4 2611606 karaly 2022-5-21 15:58
Bachelor's Thesis:Implementing a ZigBee Protocol Stack attachment  ...23 wychina_2007 2009-12-4 236055 joshuacp 2017-1-11 09:58
Recent Standards Activity:802.16 WirelessMAN™,802.15 WPAN and ZigBee attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 82790 joshuacp 2017-3-27 09:45
Beyond 3G / 4G Radio Access Technologies (RATs) attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 52177 yangboo2003 2009-12-18 18:42
WPAN – Wireless Personal Area Networks attachment  ...2 wychina_2007 2009-12-4 114318 luke007007 2015-12-28 17:26
Ultra-Wideband attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 51969 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:06
The future and the Wireless Personal attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 32295 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:15
Ultra-Wideband: Frequently Asked Questions attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 32249 lewishamil 2010-3-8 11:23
ZigBee FAQs attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 63791 scuba0102 2015-11-6 21:46
WiMedia UWB MAC layer implementation in FPGA attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 63950 amigo.change 2022-1-8 21:24
ZigBee and Wireless Radio attachment  ...2 wychina_2007 2009-12-4 114001 amigo.change 2023-7-23 19:18
WLAN TUTORIAL attachment  ...23 wychina_2007 2009-12-4 236721 s960466 2017-4-19 15:15
IEEE 802.11 Tutorial attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 82133 pciepcie 2010-5-17 09:16
Chapter 4 WIRELESS LAN attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 72393 luke007007 2015-12-28 17:27
WLAN技術發展趨勢 attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 65167 kingmomo0002 2021-10-23 13:50
WLAN-roadmap-EU attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 35777 Billmtk 2023-1-24 11:10
[资料] 802.11 Wireless LAN Fundamentals [Cisco Press 2003] attachment  ...2345 wychina_2007 2009-12-4 4212258 bjxxh 2018-8-11 20:28
WLAN COMMUNICATION attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 34176 kingmomo0003 2021-10-24 11:53
WLAN資料?? kennyfu340126 2009-12-3 01781 kennyfu340126 2009-12-3 08:59
[剑桥出版社2008最新书籍] Next Generation Wireless LANs: 802.11n attachment  ...23456..13 ardenmann20 2009-11-30 12057715 heinzmann 2022-3-22 22:13
Newnes.Implementing.802.11.802.16.and.802.20.Wireless.Networks--PDF attachment  ...2 asfast 2009-11-28 196249 zchdsp 2019-3-8 14:52
经典OFDM书籍,OFDM and MC-CDMA for Broadband attachment  ...23456..9 denleilei 2009-11-27 8418477 robertguo99 2019-10-30 14:04
蓝牙应用开发导论 attachment  ...2 caodiren 2009-11-24 135786 amigo.change 2023-7-23 19:59
AT91SAM Internet Radio attachment rayer 2009-11-18 12235 hu2yongming 2011-12-6 22:00
寻找一方案 ltaotao007 2009-11-18 01947 ltaotao007 2009-11-18 10:32
Wifi introduction attachment  ...2345 D8807305 2009-11-18 4418064 dannymu 2021-12-21 11:29
量产MTK手机开发板平台,芯片组  ...23 BASEBAND 2009-10-26 205057 BASEBAND 2010-9-14 09:39
wireless+communications attachment  ...2 willord 2009-10-23 174808 lisheng509 2011-3-28 18:50
OFDM经典:《OFDM Wireless LANs:A Theoretical and Practical Guide》 attachment  ...23456..20 ardenmann20 2009-10-20 19076804 zzabc 2023-10-13 21:06
WirelessMAN hwakicestone 2009-10-12 22560 scsdyxf 2009-11-24 10:41
请问ip,vlan,mpls,ppp等协议在哪个文档中? ineedpower 2009-10-10 33461 duandian028 2010-8-31 21:15
这本书好  ...2 liukai478 2009-10-7 103855 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:03
基于MIMO技术的802.11n产品的性能测试 attachment  ...234 zefsgq 2009-10-1 339002 smith0908 2017-4-14 09:31
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