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[资料] Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design, 3ed, 2014 zsh2626 2014-12-31 22026 Y.T 2015-1-28 10:33
[资料] 信号完整性经典教程 attach_img  ...23456..8 saiweili 2011-12-21 7815176 2577993125 2014-11-17 13:06
[资料] xilinx V7 datasheet aimi_lkw 2014-11-2 11660 bidezhi7777 2014-11-3 00:05
[资料] 层叠小工具分享! isaac2429 2014-8-13 11812 cdw1986 2014-9-2 21:42
[资料] 用运算放大器获得三角波、正弦波、方波的简易实用电路 attachment  ...23 viow2012 2012-3-17 245996 xcq13679213645 2014-7-15 18:16
[资料] Allegro16.3仿真文档 attachment  ...2 hl345049740 2013-9-14 143133 z555577777 2014-7-2 02:21
[资料] Signal+Integrity+Simplified+(2003) st863 2013-9-21 32747 gslscyh 2014-5-3 15:17
[资料] USB 3 0 spec. attachment  ...2 larryfarn 2012-2-27 103608 davidli2009 2014-4-8 23:08
[资料] Impact of Condutor Rough attachment zhujiuliang001 2013-3-13 21773 sisolver 2014-3-7 14:06
[资料] 最好最新的SIPI Co-analysis的电子书 attach_img  ...2345 vingerqin 2012-10-23 4810764 tianyahappy 2013-11-27 11:07
[资料] Synopsys - signal integrity paper mimiman 2013-5-12 22500 bobo1957168 2013-5-29 23:12
[资料] 高性能微加工電感......... attachment 植被 2013-5-7 01360 植被 2013-5-7 08:21
[资料] 1-TA1 Paper_Power Grid Parasitic Impact on_ [1] attachment shirley_zong 2012-7-20 21814 gonethewind 2013-4-4 05:46
[资料] 李博士的信号完整性(SI)分析 attachment  ...23 kuer09 2012-3-26 265904 aaron2012 2013-3-17 11:28
[资料] 在真實世界中的EMI控制 attachment daijl8210 2012-12-21 42320 fujunhai119 2013-1-9 15:19
[资料] SEM1600 2004-05 Power Supply Design Seminar attach_img antonine 2012-11-25 22075 zhenli888 2012-12-22 17:40
[资料] Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission of High-Speed Digital Systems书 bobhit 2012-8-22 21985 zowal 2012-10-30 09:25
[资料] 史丹佛W.J. Dally, J.W. Poulton教授寫的書, 與投影片講義 attachment  ...2 barry1 2011-12-26 195193 james5168qoo 2012-8-31 14:38
[资料] 10-WA3 Paper_Error Signature Analysis_[1] attachment shirley_zong 2012-7-20 01933 shirley_zong 2012-7-20 18:30
[资料] Sip solution for PTI attachment cht0819 2012-6-26 12826 2002199 2012-6-27 16:39
[资料] The Importance of True Randomness in Cryptography attachment SZ_WXP 2012-3-12 01979 SZ_WXP 2012-3-12 21:59
[资料] HowTo2152 DETERMINING CIRCUIT BOARD CURRENT CARRYING CAPABILITY attachment larryfarn 2012-2-27 12689 libinggl 2012-3-6 08:14
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