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资料区 今日: 0|主题: 767|排名: 101 

版主: kingson_chu
[资料] 好资料 attachment wangwh123 2010-6-1 82335 kebon22 2010-11-21 12:28
[资料] [资料]LTE关键技术研究 attachment  ...23 wugh 2010-7-21 275426 zcs841017 2010-11-7 14:04
[资料] 【资料】wimax RCT2.0 attachment yd_003 2010-6-8 52115 0536102why 2010-10-26 19:18
[资料] 3GPP LTE介绍(for green people) attachment good_study 2010-5-11 94568 jevei01 2010-10-12 14:20
[资料] 中国电信1x增强型终端需求规范-Rev A数据终端AT命令接口分册-V1.0 attachment finelei2002 2010-8-8 72391 gerudao 2010-10-6 10:41
[资料] 多径环境下TD_SCDMA系统容量分析 attachment hp304132652 2010-9-14 33520 aimar327 2010-10-5 23:40
[资料] CDMA资料 attachment cfhai 2010-9-17 33434 cfhai 2010-9-17 10:53
[资料] GSM无线网络规划与优化 attachment yuxuan1314 2009-12-22 82307 no1bigdog 2010-9-12 11:18
[资料] NGMN 白皮书 3.0 attachment licl 2010-9-2 12250 qptom 2010-9-2 15:41
[资料] LTE phy rel 8 spec (3) attachment wang_chin 2010-6-25 72235 chris_chenzhi 2010-8-21 21:46
[资料] Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Making in Property attachment gond 2010-8-4 61811 chris_chenzhi 2010-8-21 10:30
[资料] Beyond 3G - Bringing Networks, Terminals and the Web Together:LTE attachment  ...2 yimingxn 2010-3-7 155190 gregoryw 2010-8-11 14:42
[资料] Introduction To Bayesian Statistics Wiley attachment  ...2 seuliu 2010-1-6 113680 yangboo2003 2010-7-16 13:30
[资料] 发本词典给大家:英汉双向信息技术缩略语大词典 attachment winthony 2010-4-13 41997 jetliao 2010-7-9 19:00
[资料] high speed wireless communication attachment hoverdsp 2010-1-27 92198 jetliao 2010-7-9 17:47
[资料] high speed wireless communication hoverdsp 2010-1-27 72231 caecilien 2010-7-9 04:53
[资料] LTE phy rel 8 spec (5) attachment wang_chin 2010-6-25 21856 vikingg 2010-7-5 22:57
[资料] LTE phy rel 8 spec (2) attachment wang_chin 2010-6-25 22063 russiantsai 2010-6-29 15:07
[资料] LTE Phy Rel 8 spec. (1) attachment wang_chin 2010-6-25 21901 russiantsai 2010-6-29 15:03
[资料] LTE phy rel 8 spec (4) attachment wang_chin 2010-6-25 11790 vikingg 2010-6-25 16:48
[资料] wimax协议 attachment wangwh123 2010-6-1 22408 vikingg 2010-6-23 09:49
[资料] 国外3G/4G博士论文 3 attachment  ...2 zhuxianggl 2010-1-29 104014 newdream 2010-5-29 19:10
[资料] CDMA等的一些资料 attachment yixiu0000 2010-5-26 12360 vikingg 2010-5-26 16:06
[资料] WiMAX技术发展及展望 attachment yixiu0000 2010-2-12 52159 vikingg 2010-5-20 09:58
[资料] WiMAX 技術研究報告--2006/08/20 attachment yixiu0000 2010-2-12 22218 lansky 2010-3-24 13:45
[资料] 嵌入式无线期刊(无线龙)新手试种 yanluowusheng 2010-3-6 01934 yanluowusheng 2010-3-6 17:30
[资料] 嵌入式无线期刊(无线龙)新手发种 yanluowusheng 2010-3-6 01802 yanluowusheng 2010-3-6 17:17
[资料] 嵌入式无线期刊(无线龙的) yanluowusheng 2010-3-6 02984 yanluowusheng 2010-3-6 16:53
[资料] 25.433协议 attachment koenisegg 2009-12-14 22132 beckham07360736 2009-12-17 15:12
[资料] 25.434协议 attachment koenisegg 2009-12-14 11972 qptom 2009-12-17 11:15
[资料] 25.331协议 attachment koenisegg 2009-12-14 12041 qptom 2009-12-17 11:09
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