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本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 数字锁相环的matlab仿真,二阶环路滤波 attachment digest  ...23456..34 qsj8362234 2013-7-23 33970556 落雪听禅 2024-4-30 17:45
matlab2014b 下载 安装 破解 百度云 attachment  ...23456..96 张成宇102 2015-4-18 95587838 seahqsky 2023-10-26 17:47
MATLAB R2018a Win64 Linux64下载 attach_img  ...23456..76 suiwinder 2018-3-20 75851911 tinytera 2024-3-22 14:08
重点大学MATLAB课程的PPT课件(free) attachment  ...23456..166 kuangzhe18 2007-3-27 1651163330 514514 2020-9-9 08:31
matlab教材——数据转换器(ADC) attach_img  ...23456..35 cyyss 2011-2-22 34956937 以前是以前 5 天前
Matlab 模型:SERDES, ADC, PLL等 attachment  ...23456..42 see01995 2014-3-26 41763907 ToDai 2024-4-23 19:13
分享一天掌握DFT,中文版 attachment  ...23456..35 zzpanda5 2009-10-18 34747327 风吹落叶 2024-2-7 20:11
超级好书《精通MATLAB》,让你从菜鸟到牛人(单一pdf文件,附件全) attachment  ...23456..115 libaiqsl 2008-5-6 1145109856 zxyglx 2022-8-30 09:24
分析SNDR、THD、SFDR、ENOB的matlab程序 attachment  ...23456..25 wjx197733 2011-2-9 24861284 chillys 2023-3-10 15:13
MATLAB学习资料大全——前辈的积累!!! attachment  ...23456..24 391349683 2011-9-1 23030819 ZYChan 2023-8-3 14:36
我见过用MATLAB讲解通信仿真最好的书(MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解)经典中的经典!!!! attachment  ...23456..44 fangguihai 2009-1-22 43949744 imposingwei 2023-7-30 13:45
MATLAB-SIMULINK通信系统建模与仿真实例分析-邵玉斌-清华大学 attachment  ...23456..21 tjupzj 2014-5-9 20240057 hunan168 2024-2-26 20:36
张志涌《精通MATLAB 2011a》 attachment  ...23456..20 xxf09th 2012-3-17 19137297 chiphomer 2023-9-4 11:30
经典书籍《数字信号处理及其MATLAB实现》(中译本PDF格式)敬献! attachment  ...23456..21 rootxie 2014-3-18 20330944 trash_net 2024-3-27 09:54
Matlab最新版 R2008b下载地址 attachment  ...23456..69 bjpu 2009-3-3 68587073 yiteilxb 2021-9-14 09:41
精通simulink系统仿真与控制 清晰pdf电子书 attachment  ...23456..17 sunt8707 2011-8-13 16031934 fox_mice 3 天前
非常好的东南大学word版全彩matlab书籍 attachment  ...23456..37 liweifb 2009-2-17 36353546 Lemon_S 2023-10-18 18:01
省钱版经典书籍《数字信号处理及其MATLAB实现》(中译本PDF格式)敬献! attachment  ...23456..16 xujolin 2011-3-31 15626888 chaijb2008 2024-4-9 10:03
清华大学matlab讲义(十分难得) attach_img  ...23456..34 易明 2009-9-3 33345737 badegg9 2022-6-2 15:23
【Sigma Delta DAC】Simulink modeling,项目中应用的,很成功。 attachment  ...23456..21 northeast1 2009-6-8 20844706 cafeicafei 2023-10-29 14:16
charge pump design material(有电路schematic哦, 仿真,流片成功) attachment  ...23456..20 northeast1 2009-6-26 19842569 gubels 2023-12-8 14:50
Matlab编程实现FFT实践及频谱分析.doc attachment  ...23456..21 xiaoxingxing029 2008-10-24 20735805 lans0625 2022-3-2 23:18
非常好的 simulink 实验培训资料,对学习用simulink做通信仿真有很大的帮助 attachment  ...23456..27 cnren 2008-9-19 26944509 vsop 2021-10-30 10:14
绝对好书!不下后悔! 高等应用数学问题的MATLAB求解(完整版47.5M) attachment  ...23456..31 glamorous 2009-11-6 30656729 auch0311 2023-9-14 16:20
Matlab电子电路分析(全三卷).pdf attachment  ...23456..28 lcl6000 2008-11-15 27945963 amigo.change 2021-7-25 18:47
cic数字滤波器verilog代码 attachment  ...23456..32 HJX2345 2008-4-3 31355743 js_shen 2022-8-1 21:25
MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解 邓华 经典matlab好书 attachment  ...23456..14 yingxionga 2011-3-26 13729107 lxw543 2022-11-21 00:11
10bit_pipeline_ADC_Matlab 仿真程序 attachment  ...23456..24 hilpp5200 2008-7-23 23444063 cafeicafei 2023-10-29 14:15
matlab经典算法程序(精华) attachment  ...23456..47 kxw102 2008-2-4 46853270 chen8354 2023-10-27 13:23
绝对可以下载,PDF英文版《信号与系统MATLAB计算与Simulink建模》 attachment  ...23456..11 microzero 2011-6-21 10821273 imposingwei 2023-7-30 13:42
MATLAB与simulink教程 attachment  ...23456..18 hansomesong 2009-5-7 17431203 shiz_0303 2021-11-29 20:50
数字信号处理在MATLAB中实现的一本好书,强烈推荐!!! attachment  ...23456..14 智慧棒 2011-6-22 13928130 mihoyo 2024-4-11 16:53
使用MATLAB和Simulink设计高级通信系统 attachment  ...23456..11 wangsf1112 2011-4-11 10518650 xiarongjun 2022-7-22 23:33
Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling 第四版 attachment  ...23456..12 陈豪俊 2011-6-24 11224744 gracechz 2023-8-9 10:05
《MATLAB揭秘》中文版--精品啊!! attachment  ...23456..23 小哥1900 2009-5-10 22236920 wxl_123 2021-8-23 15:58
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