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SkillCAD 4.6.5 Linux
Software Prerequisites: pre-installed Virtuoso Layout Suite supporting IC5, IC6, IC12 and IC18
The software developer SkillCAD announced the launch of SkillCAD 4.6.5 is a collection of 120+ user guided and auto routing commands that can boost layout productivity on average 30-50%.
SKILLCAD V4.6.5 Main Improvements
1) New Placement function: Place By Pin Connectivity. (SKILLCAD->Place->Place By Pin Connectivity). Place instances based on the order of the connectivity of a certain pin.
2) Fixed the vStretch (vEditor) command to avoid moving instances because of missing metal cut layer settings in advanced node.
3) Improved the "CMOS xView" command to handle Donut shape, and avoid error in handling connectivity.
4) Improved "Swap Bit Line (Vias)" to be compatible with Infix on.
5) Removed old "Matched Placer" under place (which was replaced by Patern Placer).
Founded in 2007 to enhance productivity to Cadence Virtuoso layout design flow, SkillCAD is a collection of layout commands written in the SKILL programming language. The SkillCAD IC Layout Automation Suite (IC LAS) seamlessly integrates into the Cadence Virtuoso layout design environment, using the layout and rule files supplied by the Cadence system. Since the tools were developed to support the native Cadence library objects they can be used in compliment to the Cadence tools. The levels of simplification and automation afforded by the SkillCAD commands can improve layout productivity by more than 50%. Cadence Virtuoso plus SkillCAD IC LAS have become the preferred layout environment for analog, RF and mixed signal designs.
skillCAD introduction
SkillCAD has been providing layout tools for Cadence Virtuoso accounts since 1998 and has been a Cadence connection partner for over 12 years. Over 80 of the world's leading analog, mixed signal and RF companies now use SkillCAD in their layout design flow. Sk illCAD is located at 1580 Old Oakland Road, San Jose CA and have been a Cadence connection partner since 2008. We have distributors in China, UK, Taiwan and Korea.
For more information about SkillCAD 4.6.5 Linux, please contact fast.forever24@gmail.com