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[资料] EW103通信电子战CD

发表于 2017-12-25 23:10:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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This CD hasformulas which will allow you to work problems by plugging in parametric valuesand reading out the answers to mathematical procedures.  Appendix C in the EW103 text book alsocontains the instructions in the balance of this Read Me file.  The formula files on this CD require onlythat you have Microsoft Excel software on your computer, XP or compatiblerelease.

The procedure isto up-load the desired excel file to your computer hard drive, plug in therequired values in the locations, and read out the answers in the indicatedlocations.  The procedures on the CD are:

  • Line of sight loss -- one way link     equation
  • Two-ray loss -- one way link     equation
  • Knife edge diffraction loss
  • Fresnel Zone distance
  • Receiver sensitivity
  • Receiver system noise figure
  • Analog receiver dynamic range
  • Digital receiver dynamic range
  • CEP from RMS error
  • CEP from EEP
  • Communication J/S
  • Frequency spread for partial band     jamming
  • Received Power in one way link
  • Effective Range in     one way link

File LOS.xls      Lineof sight loss -- one way link equation

Input linkdistance (in km) at A4

Input frequency(in MHz) at A5

Read line of sightloss (in dB) at A10

File 2ray.xls       Two-rayloss -- one way link equation

Input linkdistance (in km) at A4

Input transmittingantenna height (in meters) at A5

Input receivingantenna height (in meters) at A6

Read 2-ray loss(in dB) at A10

File KED.xls      Knifeedge diffraction loss

Input distancefrom transmitter to ridge line (in km) at A4

Input distancefrom ridge line to receiver (in km) at A5

Input height ofridge line (above or below line of sight – in meters) at A6

State whetherridge line is above or below line of sight (A or B) at A7

Read knife edgediffraction loss (in dB) at A10

File FZ.xls   Fresnelzone distance

Input transmittingantenna height (in meters) at A4

Input receivingantenna height (in meters) at A5

Input frequency(in MHz) at A6

Read Fresnel zonedistance (in km) at A10

File Sens.xls      Receiversensitivity

Input effectivereceiver system bandwidth (in MHz) at A4

Input system noisefigure (in dB) at A5

Input requiredpredetection signal to noise ratio at A6

Read systemsensitivity at A10

File NF.xls  Receiversystem noise figure

Input loss beforepreamplifier (in dB) at A4

Input preamplifiergain (in dB) at A5

Input preamplifiernoise figure (in dB) at A6

Input loss betweenpreamplifier and receiver (in dB) at A7

Input receivernoise figure (in dB) at A8

Read system noisefigure (in dB) at A10

File ADR.xls     Analogreceiver dynamic range

Input receiversystem sensitivity (in dBm) at A4

Insert net gainbetween receiver input and output of preamplifier (in dB) at A5

Input second orderpreamplifier second order intercept point (in dBm) at A6

Input preamplifierthird order intercept point (in dBm) at A7

Read receiversystem second order spurious free dynamic range at A10

Read receiversystem third order spurious free dynamic range at A11

File DDR.xls     Digitalreceiver dynamic range

Input number ofquantizing bits at A4

Read receiverdynamic range (in dB) at A10

File CEP_RMS.xls  CEPfrom RMS error

Input RMS error(in degrees) at A4

Input range fromboth DF sites (in km) at A5

Read CEP (in km)at A10

File CEP_EEP.xls    CEPfrom EEP

Input long axis ofEEP (in km) at A4

Input short axisof EEP (in km) at A5

Read CEP (in km)at A10

File JtoS.xls       CommunicationJ/S

Input ERP ofdesired signal transmitter (in dBm) at A4

Input ERP ofjammer (in dBm) at A5

Input desiredsignal transmit antenna height (in meters) at A6

Input jammerantenna height (in meters) at A7

Input receiverantenna height (in meters) at A8

Input frequency(in MHz) at A9

Input targetreceiving antenna gain toward desired signal transmitter (in dB) at A10

Input target receivingantenna gain toward jammer (in dB) at A11

Read jamming to signalratio (J/S) (in dB) at A14

File PBJ.xls       Frequencyspread for partial band jamming

Input targetsignal information bandwidth (in kHz) at A4

Input targetsignal hopping range (in MHz) at A5

Input singlechannel J/S (in dB) at A6

Read optimumjamming bandwidth (in MHz) at A10

Read jamming dutycycle (in %) at A11

File RcvPwr.xls  ReceivedPower in one way link

Input linkdistance( in km) at A4

Input transmittingantenna height (in meters) at A5

Input receivingantenna height (in meters) at A6

Input frequency (inMHz) at A7

Read receivedsignal power (in dBm) at A10

File EffRng.xls   Effective range in one way link

Note that thisfile determines the propagation mode (Line of Sight or 2 Ray) and calculatesthe effective range.  This assumes thatwide beam-width antennas are used and that the terrain is clear.  If antennas are directional or propagation isdown a valley, the effective range is the “LOS distance.”    Atmospheric and rain attenuation are notincluded.

Input transmitterpower (in dBm) at A5

Input transmitantenna gain toward receiver (in dB) at A6

Input receivingantenna gain toward transmitter (in dB) at A7.

Input transmitterantenna height (in meters) at A8

Input receivingantenna height (in meters) at A9

Input frequency(in MHz) at A10

Input receiversystem sensitivity (in dBm) at A11

Read effectiverange (in km) at A18

With narrowantennas or propagation down a valley read effective range (LOS) at B18



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发表于 2018-10-8 17:17:49 | 显示全部楼层
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