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The frst edition of this book covered ThreadX1
(version 4) as well as information about
the ARM® processor relative to ThreadX. The second edition of this book has been
enhanced to address the features of ThreadX (version 5) and it includes a variety of
concepts including real-time event-chaining2
and real-time performance metrics. Chapters
1 through 4 cover fundamental terminology and concepts of embedded and real-time
systems. Chapters 5 through 11 investigate major ThreadX services and analyze several
sample systems as well as solutions to classical problem areas. Chapter 12 is devoted
to a study of advanced topics that include event-chaining and performance metrics.
Chapter 13 contains a case study that illustrates how a system could be developed and
implemented. Appendices A through K contain details of the ThreadX API and these
appendices serve as a compact guide to all the available services. Appendices L though
O contain information about the ARM3
, Coldfre4
, and PowerPC6
processors as
used with ThreadX. Each of these appendices contains technical information, register set
information, processor modes, exception and interrupt handling, thread scheduling, and
context switching.
Embedded systems are ubiquitous. These systems are found in most consumer
electronics, automotive, government, military, communications, and medical equipment.
Most individuals in developed countries have many such systems and use them daily,
but relatively few people realize that these systems actually contain embedded computer
systems. Although the feld of embedded systems is young, the use and importance of
these systems is increasing, and the feld is rapidly growing and maturing.
This book is intended for persons who develop embedded systems, or for those who
would like to know more about the process of developing such systems. Although
embedded systems developers are typically software engineers or electrical engineers,
many people from other disciplines have made signifcant contributions to this feld.
This book is specifcally targeted toward embedded applications that must be small, fast,
reliable, and deterministic.
I assume the reader has a programming background in C or C??, so we won’t devote
any time to programming fundamentals. Depending on the background of the reader, the
chapters of the book may be read independently.
There are several excellent books written about embedded systems. However, most of
these books are written from a generalist point of view. This book is unique because it
is based on embedded systems development using a typical commercial RTOS, as well
as widely used microprocessors. This approach has the advantage of providing specifc
knowledge and techniques, rather than generic concepts that must be converted to
your specifc system. Thus, you can immediately apply the topics in this book to your
development efforts.
Because an actual RTOS is used as the primary tool for embedded application
development, there is no discussion about the merits of building your own RTOS or
forgoing an RTOS altogether. I believe that the relatively modest cost of a commercial
RTOS provides a number of signifcant advantages over attempts to “build your own.” For
example, most commercial RTOS companies have spent years refning and optimizing
their systems. Their expertise and product support may play an important role in the
successful development of your system.
As noted previously, the RTOS chosen for use in this book is ThreadX (version 5). This
RTOS was selected for a variety of reasons including reliability, ease of use, low cost,
widespread use, and the maturity of the product due to the extensive experience of its
developers. This RTOS contains most of the features found in contemporary RTOSes, as
well as several advanced features that are not. Another notable feature of this RTOS is
the consistent and readable coding convention used within its application programming
interface (API). Developing applications is highly intuitive because of the logical
approach of the API.
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