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发表于 2009-1-19 16:10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 eecsseudl 于 2013-4-29 10:18 编辑

% Genetic Optimization Toolbox
% Main interface
% ga.m                   The Genetic Algorithm  
% initializega.m         Initialization function for float and binary
%                        representation Used by ga.m   
% initializeoga.m        Initialization function for order-based
%                        representation
% Operators used during simulated evolution
% Crossover Operators
% Float and Binary Representation
%   simpleXover.m          Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Float Representation
%   heuristicXover.m       Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   arithXover.m           Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Order-based Representation
%   cyclicXover.m          Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   erXover.m              Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   enhancederXover.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   linerorderXover.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   orderbasedXover.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   partmapXover.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   singleptXover.m        Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   uniformXover.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Mutation Operators
% Binary Representation
%   binaryMutation.m       Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Float Representation
%   boundaryMutation.m     Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   multiNonUnifMutation.m Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   nonUnifMutation.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   unifMutation.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Binary and Order-Based Representation
%   inversionMutation.m    Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Order-Based Representation
%   adjswapMutation.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   shiftMutation.m        Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   swapMutation.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   threeswapMutation.m    Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Selection Functions
%   normGeomSelect.m       Selection function Used by ga.m
%   roulette.m             Selection function Used by ga.m
%   tournSelect.m          Selection function Used by ga.m
% Termination Functions
%   maxGenTerm.m           Termination function Used by ga.m
%   optMaxGenTerm.m        Termination function Used by ga.m
% Functions used for binary representation
%   calcbits.m             Binary precision function used by ga.m
%   f2b.m                  Float to Binary conversion used by ga.m
%   b2f.m                  Binary to Float conversion used by ga.m
% Utility functions
%   parse.m                Parse blank separated names used by ga.m
%   delta.m                Used by nonUnifMutation.m and mult...m
% Demonstrations
%   gademo1.m              Introductory demo of GAOT
%   gademo2.m              Multi-dimensional demo of GAOT
%   gademo3.m              Reference for GAOT
%   floatExample.m         Example using float representation
%   floatGradExample.m     Example exploring learning(Lamarckian and Baldwinian)
%   binaryExample.m        Example using binary representation
%   orderBasedExample.m    Example using order-based representation
% Functions used in Demonstrations
%   gademo1eval1.m         Example eval function used by gademo1.m
%   coranaEval.m           Calculate Corana functions used by gademo2.m
%   coranaMin.m            Calculate negative of Corana used by gademo2.m
%   gaEval.m               Calculation of Corana used for testing
%   gaMichEval.m           Michalewicz 2-variable problem evaluation
%   gaZBGradEval.m         Michalewicz Evaluation Used for Learning example      
%   gaZBGrad.m             Gradient used for SQP during learning
%   tspEval.m              Function used in orderBasedExample



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发表于 2009-1-20 14:30:10 | 显示全部楼层
% Genetic Optimization Toolbox
% Main interface
% ga.m                   The Genetic Algorithm  
% initializega.m         Initialization function for float and binary
%                        representation Used by ga.m   
% initializeoga.m        Initialization function for order-based
%                        representation
% Operators used during simulated evolution
% Crossover Operators
% Float and Binary Representation
%   simpleXover.m          Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Float Representation
%   heuristicXover.m       Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   arithXover.m           Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Order-based Representation
%   cyclicXover.m          Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   erXover.m              Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   enhancederXover.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   linerorderXover.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   orderbasedXover.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   partmapXover.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   singleptXover.m        Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   uniformXover.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Mutation Operators
% Binary Representation
%   binaryMutation.m       Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Float Representation
%   boundaryMutation.m     Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   multiNonUnifMutation.m Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   nonUnifMutation.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   unifMutation.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Binary and Order-Based Representation
%   inversionMutation.m    Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Order-Based Representation
%   adjswapMutation.m      Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   shiftMutation.m        Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   swapMutation.m         Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
%   threeswapMutation.m    Operator for the Algorithm Used by ga.m
% Selection Functions
%   normGeomSelect.m       Selection function Used by ga.m
%   roulette.m             Selection function Used by ga.m
%   tournSelect.m          Selection function Used by ga.m
% Termination Functions
%   maxGenTerm.m           Termination function Used by ga.m
%   optMaxGenTerm.m        Termination function Used by ga.m
% Functions used for binary representation
%   calcbits.m             Binary precision function used by ga.m
%   f2b.m                  Float to Binary conversion used by ga.m
%   b2f.m                  Binary to Float conversion used by ga.m
% Utility functions
%   parse.m                Parse blank separated names used by ga.m
%   delta.m                Used by nonUnifMutation.m and mult...m
% Demonstrations
%   gademo1.m              Introductory demo of GAOT
%   gademo2.m              Multi-dimensional demo of GAOT
%   gademo3.m              Reference for GAOT
%   floatExample.m         Example using float representation
%   floatGradExample.m     Example exploring learning(Lamarckian and Baldwinian)
%   binaryExample.m        Example using binary representation
%   orderBasedExample.m    Example using order-based representation
% Functions used in Demonstrations
%   gademo1eval1.m         Example eval function used by gademo1.m
%   coranaEval.m           Calculate Corana functions used by gademo2.m
%   coranaMin.m            Calculate negative of Corana used by gademo2.m
%   gaEval.m               Calculation of Corana used for testing
%   gaMichEval.m           Michalewicz 2-variable problem evaluation
%   gaZBGradEval.m         Michalewicz Evaluation Used for Learning example      
%   gaZBGrad.m             Gradient used for SQP during learning
%   tspEval.m              Function used in orderBasedExample

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发表于 2009-6-5 11:18:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-10-25 22:23:12 | 显示全部楼层
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