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高速数据采集卡  ...23 lanww 2005-1-5 247957 kdfqx 2010-4-14 12:55
请问哪位知道哪有PCIE的中文资料?谢谢! yellowhzq 2006-10-28 42805 ssss1983 2010-4-13 14:53
GE的DSP230/220板卡手册共享 attachment weiqi6429 2008-3-31 53031 ztqin 2010-4-9 22:32
转让Xilinx V5开发板和参考设计 ann.vicky 2009-5-12 14895 wakingbefore 2010-4-9 14:44
[推荐]source code of the book(USB Compelete) attachment  ...2345 serene 2004-6-9 498965 aimdagong2009 2010-4-8 15:21
[资料] MIL-STD-1553B协议文本 attachment poiu99 2010-3-31 22112 manonroad 2010-4-6 09:32
哪位大侠有ATCA的规范 ak756 2008-3-6 11683 yuanwolf2008 2010-4-3 09:58
ATCA标准 ivanhe 2009-11-4 55185 yuanwolf2008 2010-4-3 09:57
将USB转换成串口232的资料.rar attachment  ...2345 flyupLYN 2006-11-21 447493 floo 2010-4-3 01:00
pci标准概述,相当经典,特别实用 attachment  ...234 vxworksbj 2009-2-23 355506 yxq19820 2010-4-1 16:12
哪位大虾跳出来讲讲SCSI总线,有没有什么中文的文档? (无内容) davidhuang 2006-6-21 23082 lys0310 2010-3-26 09:55
PC104总线标准 attachment  ...2 zhoubin5207 2007-8-28 143785 mm_vera 2010-3-25 17:48
PCI Express System Architecture.part2 attachment  ...23 boblin0319 2004-10-29 234893 usr02 2010-3-24 17:54
[Help] Ebook:PCI Express System Architecture 解压后如何打开啊? endpoint2 2006-10-2 32545 usr02 2010-3-24 17:45
[求助] 求“expresscard”标准,哪位有,留个联系方式 libinggl 2010-1-16 41803 lu_regal 2010-3-23 18:02
Modesim-Altera的使用 attachment wcl_qcws 2009-11-12 11979 lishuanglong19 2010-3-23 11:24
[资料] DDR2的最新版 lzdldxsj 2010-1-19 12748 secant0711 2010-3-22 15:40
1394OHCI attachment  ...2 mantianxing 2004-4-4 114135 liuwei9052 2010-3-18 16:47
接口信令调试的十大挑战(1-6)(英文) attachment etabcd 2009-5-9 32037 liuwei9052 2010-3-18 16:35
TI接口设计指南 attachment  ...2 easyma 2006-9-23 123703 liuwei9052 2010-3-18 16:32
[资料] IP1001 sch&datasheet&layout guide attachment fansmusic 2010-3-18 02091 fansmusic 2010-3-18 15:27
提供9052原理及pcb图! attachment  ...23456..14 xyq2001 2006-7-26 13021557 llnc624 2010-3-17 15:18
analog_baseband attachment 7458 2009-11-25 21753 hnwulei 2010-3-17 13:09
SD卡规范 attachment  ...23 han92248 2008-6-24 224528 amt999 2010-3-14 18:44
PCI-EXPRESS superljc 2009-7-2 11835 yuanwolf2008 2010-3-14 10:35
PCI总线测试规范 attachment  ...23456..7 qiyanglong 2005-8-21 6912883 yuanwolf2008 2010-3-14 00:01
PCI 系统结构(第四版) (汉英对照)这个有人要吗?  ...23456..11 cced 2005-7-24 10520670 yuanwolf2008 2010-3-13 23:37
EASY USB 动态库使用指南 attachment donjiang2008 2008-12-25 22513 lovebcb 2010-3-13 20:34
PCI 9054的硬件连接 xiaoqian 2007-10-23 42769 anleky 2010-2-25 15:08
谁有CPCI-Express和MicroTCA的总线规范啊? myedacn 2009-11-18 22485 chongyang1999 2010-2-22 21:48
19英寸插板机箱规范 attachment haopf 2008-9-18 425974 tsun 2010-2-22 11:27
9052开发板 attachment waiyan 2006-5-19 74547 zzr1974418 2010-2-17 09:41
[求助] 环保口号污水处理环保口号 sdh6ds46c 2010-2-8 03483 sdh6ds46c 2010-2-8 13:32
I2C总线规范 attachment  ...2 xxmfoxa 2008-3-6 102826 ideal716 2010-2-7 20:52
PCI总线转IDE接口 attachment  ...23456 yang6307 2005-7-15 519538 pausebreak 2010-2-6 14:54
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