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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14732|排名: 18 

[资料] XCVU9P开发板设计原理图第612篇:基于XCVU9P的32路光纤PCIeX16收发卡 attach_img orihard1 2022-4-14 21083 dalianmao小白 2023-12-18 15:49
[资料] [ebook]Integrated Circuit and System Design attachment  ...23 pipiw 2011-2-22 295300 zhangyingui8 2023-12-18 11:33
经典教材:An introduction to Mixed-signal IC Test and Measurement:part1 attachment  ...23456..8 teradyne 2006-6-30 7119439 chengming5 2023-12-17 20:59
[资料] Intuitive Analog Circuit Design, 2ed, 2014 attachment  ...23456..7 zsh2626 2014-12-14 6110718 risccpu 2023-12-14 16:48
[资料] MIPI资料 attachment striker 2023-12-13 3581 im.leo 2023-12-14 14:09
Basic ESD and I/O Design attachment  ...23456..25 detonator 2009-8-27 24346357 jack_20150410 2023-12-14 11:11
[资料] 存储器接口电路分析 attachment  ...2 panhaojie 2010-11-8 123539 jack_20150410 2023-12-14 10:17
MLVDS standard introduction attachment  ...2 yxec 2009-2-4 184080 yuanpin318 2023-12-14 09:41
[其它] 高频小信号放大器 attachment milo.xu 2013-7-21 21927 jack_20150410 2023-12-14 09:31
[资料] 模拟版图艺术 attachment  ...2 ffwolf 2014-11-11 145435 franzjoseph 2023-12-13 15:06
[原创] 视频数据卡设计方案:120-基于PCIe的视频数据卡 attach_img orihard1 2023-12-13 0417 orihard1 2023-12-13 10:47
[原创] 模拟适配器设计原理图:360-基于10G以太网的模拟适配器 attach_img orihard1 2023-12-13 0330 orihard1 2023-12-13 10:04
看这里人气不错,也发本经典模拟电子版书籍给大家 attachment johnson_uestc 2008-3-24 73355 i0977454522 2023-12-12 14:56
存储器接口设计-认识信号完整性的价值 attachment  ...23456 semico_ljj 2006-10-16 519660 wangchenglong 2023-12-12 11:39
[转贴] spice数模混合仿真中文教程ppt attachment  ...2345 小小xxl 2011-1-20 4011418 徐忠 2023-12-11 20:51
[资料] Basics of CMOS Cell Design (Etienne Sicard, Sonia Delmas Bendhia) attach_img  ...2 zla2001 2023-11-3 15870 gogo16888 2023-12-11 18:18
[资料] Advanced ASIC chip synthesis using Synopsys Design Compiler Physical Compiler attach_img  ...2 zla2001 2023-11-3 10858 gogo16888 2023-12-11 17:40
[原创] AD采集卡设计原理图:630-基于PCIe的高速模拟AD采集卡 attach_img orihard1 2023-12-11 0379 orihard1 2023-12-11 10:24
[求助] 寻semiconductor memories存储器类的四本书 attachment  ...23 wingmemory 2010-10-22 299460 wangchenglong 2023-12-8 14:44
[资料] DDR4协议JESD79-4C 新人帖 attachment 星期五下午 2023-12-8 1517 im.leo 2023-12-8 11:32
[资料] 电路设计之:新编电子变压器手册 attachment jnsxkqz 2014-9-6 72341 jack_20150410 2023-12-7 10:44
[资料] CMOSPLLSynthesizersAnalysisAndDesign_KeliuShu attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-27 133266 Ralphjh 2023-12-7 10:42
[原创] AD采集卡设计方案:130-基于PCIe的中速模拟AD采集卡 attach_img orihard1 2023-12-6 0381 orihard1 2023-12-6 15:52
[资料] 【拉扎维】模拟CMOS集成电路第二版 最新答案(更新资源) attachment zla2001 2023-11-28 4703 kinlin 2023-12-5 20:19
[资料] spice语法基础 attachment  ...23456 sunjianbjtu 2013-12-14 5012277 skahill 2023-12-5 08:53
锁相环设计软件 attachment  ...23 lggcbsh 2009-2-6 256901 m8510a 2023-12-4 15:05
opa详细设计报告! attachment  ...23 过路人 2007-8-19 203478 wsqllx 2023-11-30 21:50
[资料] PLL学习资料CMOS.PLL.Synthesizers.Analysis.and.Design attachment  ...23 lwjee 2012-10-11 299908 FTD-NEVERMORE 2023-11-30 18:49
[原创] 经典IC设计教材大集合(英文版)- 列表  ...2 jacksun9917 2013-2-18 178014 liangrani 2023-11-30 16:39
经典电路分析书籍(整理后从新上传) attachment  ...23456..28 lingzhi 2007-7-4 27537730 tianshusheng 2023-11-30 11:03
[资料] 使用“USB协议分析仪”图解USB协议 attachment  ...23 avatar_eet 2010-3-16 237830 wangchenglong 2023-11-29 16:01
[资料] 离散时间信号处理中文第三版 文字识别后的版本 巨大的pdf attachment  ...2 quanquan13152 2020-9-11 125736 Ralphjh 2023-11-29 13:27
[资料] 基于标准CMOS工艺的OTP存储器的设计 attachment  ...23456 ztp_zyy9 2011-10-14 5318572 jianchongzhou 2023-11-29 10:18
[资料] 【拉扎维】模拟CMOS集成电路第二版 最新答案 attach_img zla2001 2023-10-18 81272 zla2001 2023-11-28 21:23
绝对经典:高速数字系统设计(pdf版) attachment  ...23456..22 铁金 2007-5-15 21239022 wangchenglong 2023-11-28 17:14
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