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Provision of User-Centric Mobile Services in Next Generation attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01312 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 18:20
Group location management for mobile subscribers attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01298 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 18:18
Recovery in the mobile wireless environment using mobile agents attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01661 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 18:16
Mobile agent middleware for mobile computing.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01503 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 18:15
Statistical properties of mobile-to-mobile land communication channels attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01314 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 18:09
The influence of mobile-to-mobile land communication channel spectrum attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01869 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 18:08
Mining Mobile Sequential Patterns in a Mobile Commerce Environment attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 04764 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 17:56
An analytical study of direct and indirect signaling attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01276 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 17:54
Security analysis on a conference scheme for mobile communications attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 02604 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 17:22
Analysis of a secure conference scheme for mobile communication attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01323 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 17:17
Optimal partitioning of heterogeneous traffic sources in mobile communications attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01425 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 17:15
REAL-TIME CHANNEL EMULATION FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION TEST BEDS attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 02798 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 17:11
通信专题.rar attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01770 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 16:55
呼叫流程.rar attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01353 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 16:43
国家级期刊-工学.txt attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 01582 chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 16:35
1553b总线测试中的常用设备 attachment 夕阳渐落 2007-10-24 01844 夕阳渐落 2007-10-24 14:56
Ultra Wideband 电子书 attachment yeahelton 2007-10-24 01674 yeahelton 2007-10-24 11:18
请问谁做过 QPSK调制器的?一起交流一下 ntlnt 2006-8-3 83674 yf08060761 2007-10-24 10:23
LDS工艺在内置MID手机天线上的应用及优势 attachment lyf-3d-mid 2007-10-18 14415 83039216 2007-10-24 00:45
我看过这样一个关于虚拟主机(租用、托管)的广告贴(请大家给点建议) huiidc001 2007-10-23 01506 huiidc001 2007-10-23 14:03
版主,能不能把我发的图书的浏览费取消了 taken2 2007-10-23 01829 taken2 2007-10-23 09:10
[下载]配合liuiang老兄的TCP/IP学习计划 --全书完,希望对大家有帮助  ...234 一声叹息 2003-11-5 305555 lixqing 2007-10-23 08:35
请问 aliaoshaer 2007-10-20 01496 aliaoshaer 2007-10-20 16:35
我看过这样一个关于虚拟主机(租用、托管)的广告贴(请大家给点建议) huiidc001 2007-10-20 01214 huiidc001 2007-10-20 11:15
Wireless Networks first-step attachment shiqing888 2007-6-24 11942 lixqing 2007-10-18 14:03
1553b总线测试卡有问必答 attachment 夕阳渐落 2007-10-18 02314 夕阳渐落 2007-10-18 09:38
Evolution_GSM_Radio_Subsystem.pdf attachment fwhmily 2007-10-16 01505 fwhmily 2007-10-16 01:37
中国移动电视标准 fuyuanhao 2007-10-14 01757 fuyuanhao 2007-10-14 11:10
Building Wireless Community Networks, Second Edition attachment toshine 2007-9-13 11748 lixqing 2007-10-14 04:14
重新发Part3Sams - OFDM Wireless LANs_ A Theoretical and Practical Guide attachment mryu 2006-4-10 52485 lixqing 2007-10-14 03:53
求助! xwy6509 2007-10-11 01340 xwy6509 2007-10-11 08:35
电子科技大学 局域网与城域网ppt dtft 2007-10-9 01682 dtft 2007-10-9 13:40
消短环? yh919 2007-10-5 02635 yh919 2007-10-5 21:10
cdma OTA attachment soexcite 2007-10-2 21926 soexcite 2007-10-2 23:05
C++设计规范 attachment lili_s_3 2007-7-8 52563 yuezhaoqiang 2007-9-30 14:19
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