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软件无线电系统快速实现  attachment  ...2 beautyheart 2009-3-1 115907 jd050105 2010-7-6 19:25
软件无线电技术在3G中的应用 attachment  ...2 hailiang 2006-11-2 153499 jd050105 2010-7-6 19:24
[EBOOK]IP电话技术稳定的VOIP服务集成 attachment  ...2 一声叹息 2004-4-7 183861 cedric761193 2010-7-6 14:00
VoIP NGN IMS 3G 标准 规范 测试技术 资料集合 attachment 0451iceman 2009-5-4 25736 cedric761193 2010-7-6 12:07
3G呼叫流程图 attachment lfzhang000 2009-4-18 91904 cedric761193 2010-7-6 11:59
列车通信网资料 attachment godpray 2006-12-6 32019 vikingg 2010-7-6 10:56
[资料] 推荐《中通快讯》0705 qww010 2010-7-6 01339 qww010 2010-7-6 08:27
无线通讯组网 attachment miracleTech 2006-12-20 62045 vikingg 2010-7-5 22:49
经典 Real Time Digital Signal Processing Implementations and Applications attachment  ...23456..8 angle963 2007-4-1 728079 changee 2010-7-4 23:11
数字通信导论 attachment 想知天下 2009-12-3 91751 jumper503 2010-7-4 18:03
如何构造嵌入式LINUX系统 attachment duandz 2007-3-28 42076 haoxchao 2010-7-4 14:31
让你的嵌入式os加上gui willersun 2006-8-16 22048 haoxchao 2010-7-4 13:49
ss7 over ip liuiang 2004-7-22 62062 haoxchao 2010-7-4 13:44
uIP运行于8位-16位单片机上TCPIP协议源码0.9 attachment wdy9927 2004-2-26 53429 haoxchao 2010-7-4 13:27
Multiple Access Protocols For Mobile Communications attachment toshine 2007-9-13 71950 haoxchao 2010-7-4 12:58
Wireless.Local.Loops.-Theory.and.Applications attachment  ...23456..10 awpking2 2007-7-1 967579 haoxchao 2010-7-4 12:57
arm教程 attachment winner121 2007-6-17 42108 haoxchao 2010-7-4 12:47
SNMP protocol .rar attachment rudy_sun1 2007-6-15 31604 haoxchao 2010-7-4 12:40
ARM及嵌入式linux培训视频-dsp CPLD FPGA开发视频-嵌入式系统开发实用技术视频 2008rf 2008-1-10 1887 haoxchao 2010-7-4 12:00
Digital Modulation attachment bebest 2008-9-6 76375 haoxchao 2010-7-4 01:17
[两本视频经典]An Introduction to Digital Video(2nd) | Video Codec Design jrzhang 2008-7-24 81522 haoxchao 2010-7-4 00:24
电话录音系统、呼叫中心、语音通知系统、呼死你系统、传真系统、自动外呼营销系统 dhlysz 2009-7-3 11276 haoxchao 2010-7-3 23:43
最新手机开发技术---Android系统开发免费预科班 xiaozhudaxia 2009-8-2 21518 haoxchao 2010-7-3 23:41
小区切换与功率控制讲义[中兴内部资料] attachment junan1982 2007-12-31 81934 haoxchao 2010-7-3 21:28 attachment  ...2 sen39 2006-9-2 122618 haoxchao 2010-7-3 21:23
DSP with FPGA attachment  ...23 zhangdj 2009-7-9 202553 haoxchao 2010-7-3 21:21
Understanding WiMAX and 3G for Portable/Mobile Broadband Wireless attachment chenpeng3361 2007-12-10 83899 haoxchao 2010-7-3 21:10
A single-chip MSK coherent demodulator for mobile radio transmission attachment  ...2 frogsu 2007-11-11 103015 haoxchao 2010-7-3 19:16
被動雷達 PASSIVE 好文章 attachment max0011167 2009-9-17 31103 haoxchao 2010-7-3 16:10
《Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks》 attachment zweishi 2009-1-17 31281 haoxchao 2010-7-3 14:57
常用信号处理Matlab程序 Jedi2000 2009-9-29 21080 haoxchao 2010-7-3 14:54
XILINX培训资料 attachment 001yuwei 2009-8-21 81651 haoxchao 2010-7-3 02:30
中国通信协会(CCSA)发布的一些技术标准(NO7/移动通信网) attachment wxh168 2009-11-26 81705 haoxchao 2010-7-3 02:27
QPSKwithmatlabcode.pdf attachment  ...2 chenpeng3361 2007-10-30 112106 haoxchao 2010-7-3 01:49
FSK解码器源代码参考 attachment Jedi2000 2009-9-30 62788 haoxchao 2010-7-3 01:48
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