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版主: jinlilijin
[资料] 全国移动网络质量监测报告(2022) attachment Billmtk 2023-1-23 0953 Billmtk 2023-1-23 23:51
[资料] 全国移动网络质量监测报告(2022年第二季度)1 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-23 0619 Billmtk 2023-1-23 10:28
[资料] 处理器的性能评估 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-21 3927 byrd2010 2023-1-22 21:22
[资料] 西电HFSS中文实例教程 attachment  ...234 Eleanore09 2012-11-7 339398 benwa 2023-1-21 08:49
[资料] HFSS14 官方训练文件 (含 Project files) attachment  ...23456..15 honejing 2012-8-20 14431664 benwa 2023-1-21 08:45
[资料] hfss_fullbook_examples HFSS教程全部例程 attachment  ...23 hollool 2012-10-14 209110 benwa 2023-1-21 08:36
[资料] HFSS电磁方面的应用(北理工培训教材) attachment  ...234 gardenxw 2009-12-24 398461 benwa 2023-1-21 08:31
[原创] 经典雷达信号处理基础书籍Radar Design Principles attach_img  ...23 z_lou 2018-10-23 238689 avp 2023-1-19 23:07
[资料] 浅析自动驾驶芯片的架构 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-17 61227 weksomnus 2023-1-19 11:30
[资料] 三大类6G领域,进展、趋势 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-19 0790 Billmtk 2023-1-19 04:53
[资料] 三大类6G领域,进展、趋势 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-18 0948 Billmtk 2023-1-18 19:17
[资料] Introduction to ANSYS HFSS for Antenna Design attachment  ...2 14gzzh1985 2016-12-13 194145 gubels 2023-1-17 09:53
HFSS手机天线例子 attachment bee 2008-8-20 72633 luhm0601 2023-1-17 09:05
[资料] 手机天线设计讲义- 6-10 attachment JCCaplan 2016-11-25 51913 luhm0601 2023-1-17 09:04
[资料] 天线经典教材1 attachment lingganweiyi 2020-9-8 61953 Billmtk 2023-1-16 00:58
[资料] RF Power Amplifiers attach_img  ...2 wy19900306 2012-7-5 145506 Billmtk 2023-1-15 17:32
[资料] siwave中文培训资料 attachment  ...2 wjfcy 2012-4-20 114240 Billmtk 2023-1-15 11:19
国外接收机经典教材 attachment  ...23456..12 guxin001 2007-4-15 11324771 Billmtk 2023-1-14 16:56
环路滤波器设计有关论文 attachment  ...234 kunlun831 2008-5-28 398152 Billmtk 2023-1-14 14:20
[资料] 越来越热的毫米波雷达 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-13 0926 Billmtk 2023-1-13 22:39
[资料] 【绝对经典】HP惠普 Digital RF Communications Receiver Design attachment  ...23456..10 qiang2433 2010-6-5 9117683 Billmtk 2023-1-13 11:20
[资料] HFSS仿真超材料  ...234 河中水 2012-2-22 309482 Billmtk 2023-1-12 23:08
[资料] Solid-State Microwave High-Power Amplifiers attach_img  ...23456..9 lodestar6666 2010-3-31 8118996 skygardon 2023-1-12 23:04
[资料] Advanced Phase-Lock Techniques attach_img  ...2345 derksyq 2020-7-23 4312506 davidwx54 2023-1-12 18:29
[资料] 微波功率放大器_清华安捷伦讲义完整版 attachment  ...23456..7 mariapeter 2010-4-17 6418575 Billmtk 2023-1-12 17:44
【西安交大】【工程电磁场】【讲义】 attachment tianxian 2009-3-1 73784 hhvv 2023-1-12 10:47
[资料] Linear Algebra with Applications, 9th Steven J. Leon attachment  ...2 hi_china59 2017-5-26 114220 Billmtk 2023-1-11 12:31
一种循环式模数转换器后台数字校准算法 attachment  ...2 lifule 2008-11-4 156855 lovlybigbear 2023-1-5 10:45
原创:(pipeline ADC)基于码频次统计的后台数字校准算法 attachment  ...2345 lifule 2008-11-4 4313426 lovlybigbear 2023-1-5 10:39
[资料] Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering 2nd 2012 attachment  ...2 hi_china59 2018-9-18 172856 zzabc 2023-1-4 10:52
[资料] 科技大学的讲义 RF Microwave Circuit Design and Measurement attachment  ...23456..9 fcioswh 2011-8-8 8623222 lnbpzzx 2023-1-3 08:32
[资料] Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB® Simulink® Models  ...2 wjfwtt 2015-7-28 104083 eastlau 2022-12-28 19:19
Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Microwave Circuits attachment  ...23 preben 2008-4-23 275610 skygardon 2022-12-28 17:39
[资料] 負載拉移(Load-Pull)原理於設計射頻功率放大器之應用 attachment  ...2345 duancs 2010-4-6 4739825 skygardon 2022-12-28 14:06
Low-Noise Amplifier Stability Concept to Practical Considerations attachment  ...23456 ericl1105 2007-6-25 5110888 skygardon 2022-12-28 13:55
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