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射频微波资料 今日: 0|主题: 8759|排名: 11 

版主: jinlilijin
求资料!! jiuycn 2009-9-8 11756 yangbangbang 2009-9-10 10:36
TenTonHammer's Guide to The Steamvaults 陈家二少 2009-9-9 02652 陈家二少 2009-9-9 17:07
求助 farewellxy2 2009-9-8 11751 lfq_qing 2009-9-8 08:47
传一个文章 attachment yangling 2009-9-3 11738 impulse 2009-9-7 19:25
电路图:硬盘MP3原理图 attachment huadong_l12 2009-5-9 52739 zhuyfaneda 2009-9-6 23:42
X波段单片低噪声放大器的研究 attachment unian 2009-8-9 23582 yangdong02034 2009-9-5 00:38
软板天线 attachment yao487 2009-7-18 21989 yg331442733 2009-9-4 20:34
手机射频部分典型电路分析 attachment  ...23 zhangxinglei 2007-12-3 265123 peter-wang-25 2009-9-4 02:55
好文章 attachment yangling 2009-9-3 01692 yangling 2009-9-3 23:05
桑蚕丝??睡出的健康 beibei756 2009-9-2 01638 beibei756 2009-9-2 15:51
微带电路 attachment kamaliu 2009-8-31 62400 sunyimars 2009-9-1 11:23
一个DSP的好资料 attachment yangling 2009-8-31 01736 yangling 2009-8-31 23:15
共享一个DSP的好资料 attachment yangling 2009-8-31 01689 yangling 2009-8-31 23:12
智能天线的原理和实现 attachment vcdever 2008-2-27 11890 straw 2009-8-31 16:20
什么是uart.doc attachment  ...2 yinger0813 2007-4-13 105009 zhuyfaneda 2009-8-31 15:04
利用耦合線結構在帶拒濾波器之設計與製作 attachment kamaliu 2009-8-31 11718 kamaliu 2009-8-31 11:22
工程电磁场基础 attachment fjlihh 2007-12-17 53217 jingxin_xd 2009-8-28 23:20
微波工程基礎 attachment youshenglin 2008-7-16 82226 jingxin_xd 2009-8-28 22:51
超经典Calibre中文资料 attachment wxxuzhong 2008-5-28 52344 jingxin_xd 2009-8-28 13:10
阻抗匹配-1 attachment hwan67 2007-8-28 22455 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-27 16:24
Antenna Design Guide attachment yangjs_china 2008-5-12 72292 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-27 16:11
什么软件可以模拟直线电机运动? neuliyaming 2009-8-23 12368 peterthegreatlu 2009-8-27 16:09
天线设计软件 attachment bg6iba 2008-8-28 62447 根都赤那 2009-8-22 21:55
东南大学射频讲义 attachment dong_dong 2009-8-14 92496 hainabc 2009-8-22 12:40
A test article ihlin0733 2009-6-27 12217 chensanny 2009-8-22 10:42
加拿大queens大学微波课程notes attachment hmilyfx 2009-8-18 62603 yjvs 2009-8-21 14:38
推荐一个能免费下载标准的网站。 yazi008 2009-8-19 02042 yazi008 2009-8-19 19:06
(经典)摩托罗拉L7手机原理图6 attachment huadong_l12 2009-5-9 31712 ncut003 2009-8-19 15:44
系统设计准则 attachment yao487 2009-7-18 11682 ct511ct 2009-8-18 13:15
cdma基础 attachment yao487 2009-7-18 11798 ct511ct 2009-8-18 13:13
(WILEY) Electromagnetic Propagation in Multi-Mode Random Media.pdf attachment seanwang 2009-8-12 11785 ct511ct 2009-8-18 12:04
(CRC) Electromagnetics.rar attachment seanwang 2009-8-12 23997 ct511ct 2009-8-18 11:59
Agilent系列通用频谱分析仪 attachment  ...23 zhhsea 2009-6-3 205653 hhq414hhq 2009-8-18 09:33
Advanced_Techniques_in_RF_Power_Amplifier_Design attachment  ...23 fly2050 2008-10-19 255002 hcz1979 2009-8-18 08:56
天線量測原理 nicro 2009-8-17 02015 nicro 2009-8-17 21:07
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