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[资料] 深入了解内存 attachment  ...2 mosou 2021-5-25 123321 rocsman 2024-1-17 23:31
华为_内部培训资料大全(EDA研发)【申请置顶】 attachment  ...23456..381 verydc 2008-11-14 3806263963 Gavin-35 2024-1-17 19:20
0数字集成电路设计透视 拉贝等著 清华大学出版社 fengjm_1999 2009-10-15 52285 why222 2024-1-17 15:16
[资源共享咯]统计信号处理基础 - - 估计与检测理论 mwx 2007-6-7 72926 my16821 2024-1-17 14:56
[原创] DFMEA模板 attachment 愤斗的香蕉 2023-11-29 6518 flankerluo 2024-1-17 14:03
[资料] 深入浅出玩转FPGA(第三版) attachment  ...23456 Adam千 2020-1-13 5214491 TXY_MESSI 2024-1-17 11:12
[求助] 求dw_ahb_databook 2018的 新人帖 attachment yuwei0407 2023-5-16 6940 xiang748729319 2024-1-17 09:52
[原创] 基于CORDIC的NCO(DDS,DDFS) (附完整Matlab,Verilog程序) attachment digest  ...23456..37 guoyu 2011-5-4 36485364 你吃不吃火锅 2024-1-17 09:39
[资料] 最好用的画时序波形图的软件wavedrom attachment  ...2 xcan2012 2020-4-23 102831 huaashan 2024-1-17 00:03
[资料] 电子书:Introduction to VLSI Design: A Logic, Circuit and System Perspective attach_img  ...23 helimpopo 2016-6-3 256794 im.leo 2024-1-16 19:35
[资料] 芯片验证中linux用法小结 attachment Yeannis 2023-7-13 6734 蔬菜水果店老板 2024-1-16 16:39
[原创] 孩子都能学会的FPGA:第十六课——用FPGA实现IIR滤波器 attach_img chdaj58 2023-11-30 2554 yonghengdeyy 2024-1-16 15:25
[资料] 新兴领域——硬件木马(Hardware Trojan)的几篇入门介绍资料 attachment digest  ...23456..7 sagegao 2013-8-15 6723163 剑指三秦 2024-1-16 14:57
[原创] 数字集成电路(设计透视) 包括书、ppt及答案 attachment  ...234 foveryoung 2010-11-9 347686 hehuafen 2024-1-16 12:14
[求助] spyglass lint验证多线程 Magizy 2024-1-13 1399 puxiancheng 2024-1-16 11:55
[资料] Verilog HDL数字集成电路设计原理与应用 attachment  ...23 wutianqiao1992 2021-10-27 295110 品博锦取_2021 2024-1-16 11:00
[求助] 求两篇论文,多谢 gentle_man 2024-1-16 0308 gentle_man 2024-1-16 10:24
[资料] 清晰扫描版:systemverilog验证 测试平台编写指南 attachment  ...23456..22 lizhihello 2013-12-28 21444789 hunan168 2024-1-16 10:20
[资料] Verilog超详细教程 attachment  ...23456..8 tanwei02 2016-10-22 7522246 manjusaka 2024-1-16 09:19
700V高压VDMOS设计与仿真 attachment  ...2345 yixiu0000 2009-5-25 425313 qsmax 2024-1-15 21:44
[原创] Malogic FPGA Board 外接USB3300实现USB2UART attach_img dodoee 2024-1-15 1420 jingjisong 2024-1-15 20:00
2008Morgan Kaufmann5星书 -The Art of Multiprocessor Programming attachment  ...23456 woainio 2008-7-10 5810080 im.leo 2024-1-15 17:07
[资料] Resource Efficient LDPC Decoders From Algorithms to Hardware Architectures @2018 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-12-1 141949 leoxlshf 2024-1-15 11:25
[资料] 【Memory Controllers for Real-Time Embedded Systems】 attachment  ...2345 coolclark 2013-4-15 438675 leoxlshf 2024-1-15 11:09
[资料] Cache,SDRAM控制器的经典资料,强烈推荐!!! attachment  ...23 heaoo 2013-9-3 255861 leoxlshf 2024-1-15 11:08
[资料] PCIe SPEC 3.0/4.0/5.0/CEM attachment  ...23456..16 superviper 2020-6-18 15030341 im.leo 2024-1-15 11:02
[资料] Introduction to VLSI Systems A Logic, Circuit, and System Perspective attachment  ...23456 deepcore 2016-10-10 5615827 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:29
08年新书!【EBOOK】Finite State Machine Datapath Design attachment  ...23456..22 generalfan 2008-1-13 21427341 leoxlshf 2024-1-15 10:28
[资料] microsemi SOC/FPGA security attachment  ...2 e_shannon 2016-8-3 134294 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:12
[资料] 快速入门高速串行I/O的中文版资料[赛灵思出品] attachment  ...2 moonie22 2016-7-12 193876 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:10
[资料] Algorithms and Architectures for Cryptography and Source Coding in Non-Volatile Flash Memories @2021 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-1 383345 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:07
[原创] [Computer arithmetic algorithms and hardware designs 2nd attachment  ...234 smrecnik 2017-2-21 356488 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:03
[原创] pcie5.0/6.0 Spec attachment  ...2 dengxiakutu 2023-8-5 111196 im.leo 2024-1-15 10:01
[资料] 超好!锁相环技术原理及FPGA实现 新人帖 attach_img  ...23456..13 黑豆 2020-3-29 12726113 peinsc 2024-1-15 08:57
[资料] 【Ebook 2017】Digital Signal Processing with Python Programming attach_img  ...23456..7 hsh22 2018-9-7 6910826 kuan 2024-1-14 18:26
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