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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 76 |主题: 39660|排名: 1 

[资料] 雷达类书籍 attachment  ...23 luojunxin 2015-6-29 285601 cdting 2021-1-15 10:05
[资料] 血氧仪设计方面的书 design of pulse oximeters attachment  ...23 zhou__jian 2014-10-30 265535 cdting 2021-1-14 23:03
SOP at 60GHz bands —— Three-dimensional Integration and Modeling attachment  ...234 lotusky 2008-2-9 305138 sydy110 2021-1-14 13:45
[资料] 基准架构汇总 attachment  ...2 电子小天使 2014-9-16 153934 白马湖007 2021-1-14 13:34
射频微电子学 国外经典 attachment zj1985513 2009-9-25 82171 南海阿飞 2021-1-14 10:11
[求助] CDF中的netlistPrecedure如何定义啊? zhulx_wx 2013-1-8 33353 BertramGao 2021-1-14 09:32
[资料] A 1Vdd CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensor attachment  ...2 li-fei-0105 2010-8-13 143193 306836621 2021-1-13 23:16
[求助] 求Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits 解答 peterwang25 2012-8-13 55729 i0977454522 2021-1-13 18:17
[原创] finesim 2011 license attachment  ...2 x81717 2013-7-17 135794 lygjqxu 2021-1-13 17:21
[资料] Introductory Electromagnetics - Z. Popovic, B. Popovic attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2019-1-28 132257 AlexKe 2021-1-13 17:19
做了7年ldo,发一篇关于ldo的经典论文 attachment  ...23456..57 sinomicro 2007-6-14 56760653 akakd324 2021-1-13 15:42
[原创] 模拟电路设计之我见 attachment digest  ...23456..7 xibeizi314159 2011-4-26 6024356 cdting 2021-1-13 15:31
很好的spectreRF资料 attachment  ...234 hongmy 2009-4-14 398479 桃李不言 2021-1-13 15:25
发一本电流放大器的书 attachment  ...23456 hweigo 2009-4-1 538805 七七八八qaq 2021-1-13 10:57
[原创] 我的第一篇JSSC,30GHz low-flicker noise Oscillator, 欢迎大家下载支持 attach_img digest  ...23456..8 JoyShockley 2018-4-25 7731398 little_f_q 2021-1-13 10:21
[原创] 请教:CCD或CMOS image sensor中的彩色滤光膜是怎么做出来的? zhou__jian 2014-11-19 93343 306836621 2021-1-13 00:19
[原创] 3T and 4T pixel analysis for cmos image sensor attachment  ...2345 yeyujingyue 2011-2-27 4614308 306836621 2021-1-12 23:35
[资料] pixel design for cmos image sensor attachment  ...2345 yeyujingyue 2011-2-22 458904 306836621 2021-1-12 23:31
CMOS集成电路版图:概念、方法与工具(压缩至3附件) attachment  ...23456 kuoyu2006 2009-10-26 507948 306836621 2021-1-12 23:26
CMOS 版图 设计 方法 图示 attachment  ...23456 xinxinglee 2007-6-8 5511858 306836621 2021-1-12 23:10
[求助] 求cmos image sensor工艺的pdk aeetper 2012-7-6 65411 306836621 2021-1-12 23:06
柯明道-mixed-voltage IO buffers with low voltage thin-oxide CMOS attachment  ...234 semico_ljj 2007-9-6 347486 renrensd 2021-1-12 22:44
[资料] [ebook] Analog Circuit Design Techniques at 0.5V attach_img  ...23456..7 duke168 2010-11-18 6413186 jeffej 2021-1-12 21:09
[资料] 已删除  ...2 lsmg 2019-12-23 153513 amigo.change 2021-1-12 16:21
cadence中文手册 attachment  ...2345 zhaoyc 2008-11-27 437253 zwq521 2021-1-12 11:40
[资料] 模拟集成电路分析与设计第四版中文版 attachment  ...2 Xiongxingshiwo 2020-11-8 173047 omnik 2021-1-12 08:26
[转贴] 0.5V Analog integrated circuits for nanoscale CMOS attachment  ...2 peterlin2010 2020-10-17 1722121 cdting 2021-1-12 05:37
A.V.Oppenheim Discrete-Time Signal Processing--课本及答案 attachment  ...23 timmarks24 2008-7-31 246218 haulagemotor 2021-1-11 22:25
[ebook]Digital Principles and Logic Design attachment  ...23 pipiw 2008-10-29 234431 i0977454522 2021-1-11 20:06
[资料] 极点 零点 传输函数与系统稳定性。 attachment  ...23456..7 bobyfyb 2010-5-10 6315398 moonpluto 2021-1-11 18:53
[资料] COT jiang_shuguo 2014-10-28 42391 demonhunter 2021-1-11 17:28
[资料] [Spring 2020] Design of Low Power Integrated Radios for Emerging Standards attachment  ...2 peifei 2020-9-10 171573 iyahsue_019 2021-1-11 16:18
[求助] 关于电流镜的问题 attach_img 1029292401 2020-9-30 31132 iyahsue_019 2021-1-11 15:42
[资料] bode plot attachment f2129571 2020-10-19 4948 iyahsue_019 2021-1-11 15:35
[资料] Analog design essentials 6寸kindle pdf版本 attach_img  ...2 greensigma 2020-11-3 102502 iyahsue_019 2021-1-11 14:50
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