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Design for Manufacturability From 1D to 4D for 90-22nm Technology Nodes attachment  ...2 widder 2019-4-3 163376 893038219 2024-3-13 20:01
Process Variation in Silicon Photonic Devices attachment widder 2019-4-2 51483 eegopher 2019-5-17 19:18
Modelsim 10.7 Windows X64 Version含破解  ...23 hitechor 2019-3-25 204746 jeffej 2021-4-21 12:36
【百度盘】VG_GNU_PACKAGE_2013.06 新人帖 attachment bluedog1893 2019-3-19 21902 dcircuit 2019-3-19 20:24
modelsim10.2 license attachment jackin16 2019-2-28 91998 jackin16 2023-6-29 09:40
台积电 .18工艺下的memory compiler 18706400931 2019-2-28 01876 18706400931 2019-2-28 10:26
基于矢量控制的高性能交流电机速度伺服控制器的FPGA实现 attachment 张毓堃 2019-2-28 21324 shancjb 2019-3-6 09:38
OV7670 attachment 张毓堃 2019-2-26 01240 张毓堃 2019-2-26 11:08
TetraMAX ® ATPG and TetraMAX II ADV ATPG UserGuide Version-2018.06-SP4 attachment  ...23 ssdd_yy 2019-2-24 206735 yesnyes 2022-9-24 03:24
DFTMAX ™ Boundary Scan User Guide Version O-2018.06, June 2018 attachment  ...2 ssdd_yy 2019-2-24 154525 tracy6969 2024-3-29 19:42
DFTMAX ™ Design-for-Test User Guide Version O-2018.06-SP4, December 201 attachment  ...23456..8 ssdd_yy 2019-2-24 7717971 林肥肥 2024-3-13 14:20
SNPS DWC IIP AXI 安装包 dw_iip_axi_2011.01 attachment  ...2 liujj5678 2019-2-21 147016 xiaocheng12345 2023-3-14 22:42
Psim11.1.5_Trial_64bit(China)缺破解文件 attachment  ...2 slim443 2019-2-12 1813303 haha2233 2023-3-1 21:26
FPGA训练教程 attachment  ...2 sam4288 2019-2-11 122754 King_John 2019-3-28 10:03
ORCAD16.3绿色版本 attachment  ...2 dongyingfeng 2019-1-29 112821 rdocean 2019-9-23 15:25
Pulsonix使用教程 attachment dongyingfeng 2019-1-28 21782 阿明wh 2019-1-28 20:21
MentoGraphicsr Modelsim 10.6e Windows attachment  ...23 ab3028 2019-1-27 284752 wddnjust 2019-8-6 19:28
Mentor Precision 2018.1 Windows attachment  ...23 ab3028 2019-1-27 265487 pollaris 2021-3-24 06:35
Mentor HDL Designer 2018.1 Windows attachment  ...23456..7 ab3028 2019-1-27 6612090 tracy6969 2023-9-28 07:45
VMware破解版(百度云)仅供学习参考 attachment  ...2 gywiwyq 2019-1-25 104094 451968344 2020-7-5 17:37
scl_v11.11 attachment  ...2 ning_soc 2019-1-25 143887 jrkwood 2021-1-22 14:33
Silvaco TCAD 虚拟机百度云 attach_img  ...23456..8 dreamflying61 2019-1-24 7520775 tracy6969 2024-2-14 06:46
ANSYS Products 2019 R1 Windows/Linux + Doc attachment  ...23456 lodestar6666 2019-1-23 5112746 gubels 2024-2-7 10:51
cx_vL-2016.06-SP1安装包[百度云]  ...23456..16 13hope 2019-1-19 15322798 vdslking 2023-7-5 22:09
Jasper for linux - [阅读权限 50] tinytera 2019-1-11 6256 zyfwh 2021-10-1 13:18
xilinx vivado 2018 license file attachment  ...23456..11 SYQHH 2019-1-11 10621556 ic886 5 天前
远程协助软件 attachment dongyingfeng 2019-1-10 11430 dcircuit 2019-1-10 20:30
PADS多层板减少层的方法 attachment dongyingfeng 2019-1-9 11342 student321 2019-1-9 21:45
PCB常用单位换算软件 dongyingfeng 2019-1-9 21529 Gjinbiao 2019-10-28 14:07
匹配阻抗的了解及计算方法 attachment dongyingfeng 2019-1-7 31547 yuguoren 2019-1-8 08:59
ic5141和ic617已安装好的虚拟机,vmware直接打开使用  ...23456..10 zhiwenhao 2019-1-4 9431235 929272371 2024-3-13 22:15
modelsim-win64-10.7-se-有破解,网盘,纯搬运! attach_img  ...23456..13 eedavidtop 2019-1-3 12533553 jason_vip1 2023-12-26 09:53
IC最新版本信息【不提供下载】 ic_newer 2018-12-29 62615 zhou_charles 2019-4-18 06:12
Mentor Graphics 2018 Keygen attachment  ...23456..7 gefenm11 2018-12-26 6818053 b87530294 2022-2-15 17:10
CST STUDIO SUITE 2019 for win 破解 attachment  ...234 beek 2018-12-11 346756 Nuister 2021-5-1 17:06
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