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射频微波资料 今日: 1 |主题: 8619|排名: 14 

版主: jinlilijin
微带滤波器设计(ppt文件) attachment  ...2345 wcdma001 2008-6-10 437956 cyy6208 2016-12-9 14:51
请问3~5G的宽带balun哪家公司有做? dlfu 2008-6-10 32222 duck_sung 2012-6-20 09:14
Artech House - Broadband Microstrip Antennas (2003) attachment  ...2 loveuestc 2008-6-10 153669 girle 2010-11-30 00:48
smith圆图计算工具集合 attachment  ...23 loveuestc 2008-6-9 215157 小小小龙猫 2020-3-18 11:45
巴伦变换 attach_img  ...2 loveuestc 2008-6-9 1210151 chuansshuo 2022-1-15 14:39
Antenna Handbook 来自U.S. Marine Corps  ...2 loveuestc 2008-6-9 172929 piaorou86 2013-8-25 16:55
HFSS中文培训教程 attachment  ...2 lpyangyang2006 2008-6-7 113398 edison0217 2020-2-2 13:30
RFID技术及其射频天线的小型化设计 attachment  ...2 lpyangyang2006 2008-6-7 103338 guangpei 2010-7-8 10:55
[其它] DD JJL1212 2008-6-7 02707 JJL1212 2008-6-7 18:39
VHDL在现代电子设计技术EDA中的应用.pdf attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 61890 maxwellmax 2010-12-31 12:44
VHDL语言在电子设计自动化中的应用.pdf attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 11921 beatlin 2008-6-7 12:21
VHDL语言设计可综合的微处理器内核.pdf attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 11564 yilinhanya 2011-9-3 21:11
Verilog+HDL数字电路的设计.pdf attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 01706 250013449 2008-6-7 11:05
Verilog+HDL设计实例及其仿真与综合.pdf attachment  ...23 250013449 2008-6-7 234517 落雪听禅 2019-1-1 12:44
MultiSIM在电子技术实验教学中应用的研究 attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 31764 wmf000000 2009-4-8 08:27
] 仿真软件基础汇 attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 21752 mchenyltan 2009-12-26 20:56
NEW - Ansoft HFSS 10 Crack attachment  ...2 dcjiang 2008-6-6 143502 xiexinpeng84 2012-2-14 22:40
DAC非线性校准介绍 attachment  ...23 amy1 2008-6-5 284947 njbbx 2015-1-23 12:05
清华短期课程--从射频系统到MMIC,RF MEMS attachment  ...23456..25 iomm 2008-6-4 24737070 yihongq 2023-7-21 14:02
光电系统与信号处理 attachment  ...2 nanong 2008-6-2 183585 leehang 2011-1-12 17:28
ADC精度提高时PCB布局 attachment  ...234 cyberkt 2008-6-1 305882 firi 2011-7-12 10:51
推荐一个射频通信,微波技术及IC设计类的学习论坛 daojx 2008-6-1 74148 xiaoyi19891213 2015-12-7 23:21
两篇压控振荡器的论文 attachment  ...2345 tw178103556 2008-5-31 415436 ljz635431337 2015-4-27 23:17
发点滤波器的资料 attachment tw178103556 2008-5-31 92104 梦仍依旧 2015-8-18 21:59
关于放大器的资料 attachment  ...23 tw178103556 2008-5-31 296069 ronaldo2_ 2010-5-30 10:40
有关环路滤波器设计论文 attachment  ...2 kunlun831 2008-5-30 173013 leishen1980 2016-5-11 17:45
GSM手机射频测试指导 attachment  ...234 kanewang 2008-5-30 394448 pcb028 2015-4-30 22:10
RF and microwave training attachment  ...23 kanewang 2008-5-30 215745 MustafaSami 2021-1-4 15:14
A design of the low-pass filter using the novel microstrip defected attachment youwei1010 2008-5-29 12391 DDkiller1983 2008-5-30 11:24
Microstrip stepped-impedance hairpin resonator low-pass filter attachment youwei1010 2008-5-29 42234 rudypony 2017-4-5 23:12
A compact semi-lumped low-pass filter for harmonics and spurious suppression attachment youwei1010 2008-5-29 62918 AlexKe 2022-8-18 14:14
Microstrip Elliptic-Function Low-Pass Filters attachment youwei1010 2008-5-29 92836 liangjun_email 2018-6-7 19:39
Microstrip stepped-impedance hairpin resonator low-pass filter attachment youwei1010 2008-5-29 38469 rudypony 2017-4-5 23:13
spice 与fdtd 相结合进行电路仿真的文章 attachment alin781212 2008-5-29 62239 y6u7i8 2008-7-21 17:45
Cadence中添加工艺库文件步骤.pdf attachment  ...23456..20 okhere2008 2008-5-29 19326932 苏AE86 2020-5-2 09:57
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