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OpenCV图像处理小案例实战 attach_img  ...2 shejidedao 2020-11-5 101941 qin9921 前天 15:57
springer在2020年出版的新书《Beginning MATLAB and Simulink From Novice to Professional》 attachment  ...23456..9 wjx197733 2020-11-25 8813189 flyskyseu 前天 15:31
最新版本 Matlab R2019b及破解Crack下载(Win+Linux),亲测有效!!!! attach_img  ...23456..19 Nudlex 2020-2-25 18536514 yes123168 3 天前
Matlab 模型:SERDES, ADC, PLL等 attachment  ...23456..42 see01995 2014-3-26 41262727 kuan 6 天前
省钱版经典书籍《数字信号处理及其MATLAB实现》(中译本PDF格式)敬献! attachment  ...23456..16 xujolin 2011-3-31 15626316 chaijb2008 2024-4-9 10:03
modeling and designing ADC, PLL, SERDES, and SMPS systems ypchy1234 2018-7-20 74222 bjzca 2024-4-6 09:02
托马斯微积分 attachment  ...234 spark.zhao 2018-3-10 326793 Tradeoff 2024-4-3 23:53
MATLAB从入门到精通&控制系统分析设计和应用—MATLAB语言的应用 attachment  ...23456..7 slmjlf 2015-6-16 6514496 im.leo 2024-3-28 16:36
2012 Classical Feedback Control With MATLAB and Simulink, 2nd Edition True PDF attachment  ...23 hi_china59 2018-11-24 203901 dldlxkq 2024-3-27 19:45
Matlab与Simulink仿真学习心得 attachment  ...234 IC1234 2016-7-8 339525 trash_net 2024-3-27 10:16
经典书籍《数字信号处理及其MATLAB实现》(中译本PDF格式)敬献! attachment  ...23456..21 rootxie 2014-3-18 20330376 trash_net 2024-3-27 09:54
Simulation and Analysis of DC-DC Boost Converter Using Sliding Mode Controller attachment  ...2 cyyss 2018-12-10 143519 dldlxkq 2024-3-24 11:53
MATLAB-SIMULINK通信系统建模与仿真实例分析-邵玉斌-清华大学 attachment  ...23456..21 tjupzj 2014-5-9 20239216 hunan168 2024-2-26 20:36
MATLAB R2014a从入门到精通 升级版 attachment  ...2345 JSM613X 2016-4-6 4510504 Cuppi 2024-2-26 11:19
MATLAB高效编程技巧与应用:25个案例分析].吴鹏.扫描版 attachment  ...2 darrenruijie 2016-8-22 194851 cmmjava 2024-2-11 23:23
精通simulink系统仿真与控制 清晰pdf电子书 attachment  ...23456..16 sunt8707 2011-8-13 15931399 风吹落叶 2024-2-7 20:13
PDF版Simulink动态系统建模与仿真( 第二版)带目录 attachment  ...2 wings233 2020-2-21 102231 风吹落叶 2024-2-7 20:05
学习matlab基础的好资料 attachment 甲壳虫 2020-11-16 82125 风吹落叶 2024-2-7 17:33
Systematic Design of Analog CMOS Circuits Matlab code attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2018-3-3 297424 yaoqing88 2024-2-2 11:53
Matlab 2016b 64位 下载 安装 破解(百度云) attach_img  ...23 gywiwyq 2019-3-4 226574 cmmjava 2024-1-25 13:18
数字图像处理的MATLAB实现(第2版) attachment  ...2 小均均 2017-3-23 184774 cmmjava 2024-1-25 13:04
高清文字pdf版 MATLab_programming_for_engineering attachment  ...2 itpcc 2014-5-1 142468 chinamanxr 2024-1-17 12:45
《数字调制解调技术的MATLAB与FPGA实现——AlteraVerilog版》代码分享 attachment  ...23456..14 xizhong1991 2016-3-11 13026017 jason_vip1 2024-1-6 15:58
《卡尔曼滤波原理及应用-MATLAB仿真》程序  ...23456..7 wei25dong 2016-6-18 6717768 blueradio 2023-12-14 11:08
Signals and Systems with Matlab attachment  ...23 deepcore 2018-5-4 235318 im.leo 2023-12-6 15:06
Matlab数学建模算法全收录 attachment  ...23456 fuzzy_cat 2016-10-21 539888 chen8354 2023-10-27 13:18
MATLAB函数速查手册.doc attachment itpcc 2014-5-1 82397 chen8354 2023-10-25 14:20
MATLAB Matrix Algebra attachment seanwang 2016-9-20 72377 yuanpin318 2023-10-24 09:24
[E-book share] Using MATLAB in Linear Algebra attachment  ...2 stanlleychen 2014-3-12 102772 yuanpin318 2023-10-24 09:07
[E-book share] Probability and Stochastic Processes using Matlab attachment  ...2 stanlleychen 2014-3-12 143954 yuanpin318 2023-10-24 09:05
电力系统的MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真与应用 attachment wei25dong 2016-3-12 42174 BrianLyx 2023-10-24 09:05
Numerical Methods, 3rd Using MATLAB 2012 attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2013-7-28 255879 yuanpin318 2023-10-24 09:02
C++ How to Program, 10th 2017 by Deitel attachment  ...2 hi_china59 2018-6-15 114189 yuanpin318 2023-10-24 09:00
MATLAB编程(第二版)-菜鸟入门教材 attachment  ...2 gywiwyq 2019-3-4 153711 jw216 2023-10-24 08:45
【2017书】Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of High Frequency Structures With MATLAB attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-9-8 214233 auch0311 2023-9-7 13:22
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